The Texas Alliance of Nonsubscribers is a nonprofit trade association of responsible employers committed exclusively to preserving the choice of Texas businesses to manage their occupational injury claims. The goal of the Alliance is to increase the understanding of the option that some employers have selected to manage their occupational injury programs outside the Texas Workers’ Compensation System — an approach known as nonsubscription. These employers are demonstrating every day how responsible nonsubscription works in Texas. It works to provide employees access to quality health care benefits and the ability to return to productive work. It works by providing Texas businesses savings they are using to enhance the benefits and safety of their employees, to expand their operations in Texas, and to invest in their communities.
Alliance members include some of the state’s top employers from all regions of Texas and all sectors of the economy. The common denominator of these businesses is their commitment to the health and safety of their employees and to preserving their option to administer their injury benefit programs in a responsible manner. All members of the Alliance are required to have an occupational injury plan to protect their employees in place prior to the acceptance of their membership.
These businesses are proving that nonsubscription can work. They are making it work for the employee, for the employer and for Texas.
The Alliance is committed to ensuring that nonsubscription remains a viable option that allows Texas businesses to grow, create jobs and take care of their employees.